Jumat, 22 April 2011

ETSI standard for DVB-T DVB-S DVB-C

For full format paper (including table, picture, graphic etc) Please open at ETSI standard for DVB-T DVB-S DVB-C
 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
European Standard (Telecommunications series)
Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB);
Framing structure, channel coding and modulation for
digital terrestrial television
European Broadcasting Union Union Européenne de Radio-Télévision
2 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
REN/JTC-DVB-87 (6w000ioo.PDF)
DVB, digital, video, broadcasting, terrestrial,
MPEG, TV, audio, data
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3 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
Intellectual Property Rights...............................................................................................................................5
Foreword ...........................................................................................................................................................5
1 Scope.......................................................................................................................................................6
2 References...............................................................................................................................................6
3 Definition, symbols and abbreviations.....................................................................................................6
3.1 Definition ..........................................................................................................................................................6
3.2 Symbols.............................................................................................................................................................6
3.3 Abbreviations ....................................................................................................................................................8
4 Baseline system.......................................................................................................................................8
4.1 General considerations ......................................................................................................................................8
4.2 Interfacing .......................................................................................................................................................10
4.3 Channel coding and modulation .......................................................................................................................10
4.3.1 Transport multiplex adaptation and randomization for energy dispersal ....................................................10
4.3.2 Outer coding and outer interleaving............................................................................................................11
4.3.3 Inner coding...............................................................................................................................................13
4.3.4 Inner interleaving.......................................................................................................................................14 Bit-wise interleaving .............................................................................................................................14 Symbol interleaver ...............................................................................................................................18
4.3.5 Signal constellations and mapping..............................................................................................................20
4.4 OFDM frame structure ....................................................................................................................................24
4.5 Reference signals.............................................................................................................................................26
4.5.1 Functions and derivation............................................................................................................................26
4.5.2 Definition of reference sequence ................................................................................................................26
4.5.3 Location of scattered pilot cells ..................................................................................................................27
4.5.4 Location of continual pilot carriers.............................................................................................................28
4.5.5 Amplitudes of all reference information .....................................................................................................28
4.6 Transmission Parameter Signalling (TPS)........................................................................................................29
4.6.1 Scope of the TPS .......................................................................................................................................29
4.6.2 TPS transmission format............................................................................................................................30 Initialization .........................................................................................................................................30 Synchronization....................................................................................................................................30 TPS length indicator.............................................................................................................................30 Frame number ....................................................................................................................................31 Constellation ........................................................................................................................................31 Hierarchy information ...........................................................................................................................31 Code rates.............................................................................................................................................31 Guard Intervals.....................................................................................................................................32 Transmission mode ...............................................................................................................................32 Error protection of TPS.........................................................................................................................32
4.6.3 TPS modulation .........................................................................................................................................33
4.7 Number of RS-packets per OFDM super-frame...............................................................................................33
4.8 Spectrum characteristics and spectrum mask....................................................................................................34
4.8.1 Spectrum characteristics .............................................................................................................................34
4.8.2 Out-of-band spectrum mask (for 8 MHz channels).....................................................................................35
4.8.3 Centre frequency of RF signal (for 8 MHz UHF channels) ........................................................................38
4 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
Annex A (informative): Simulated system performance for 8 MHz channels .................................39
Annex B (informative): Definition of P
and F
Annex C (informative): Interleaving example .....................................................................................44
Annex D (informative): Guidelines to implementation of the emitted signal...................................45
D.1 Use of the FFT ......................................................................................................................................45
D.2 Choice of "baseband" centre frequency .................................................................................................45
D.3 Other potential difficulties .....................................................................................................................46
Annex E (normative): Values for 6 MHz and 7 MHz channels.......................................................47
History .............................................................................................................................................................50
5 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
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in SR 000 314: "Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs); Essential, or potentially Essential, IPRs notified to ETSI in respect
of ETSI standards", which is available free of charge from the ETSI Secretariat. Latest updates are available on the
ETSI Web server (http://www.etsi.org/ipr).
Pursuant to the ETSI IPR Policy, no investigation, including IPR searches, has been carried out by ETSI. No guarantee
can be given as to the existence of other IPRs not referenced in SR 000 314 (or the updates on the ETSI Web server)
which are, or may be, or may become, essential to the present document.
This European Standard (Telecommunications series) has been produced by the Joint Technical Committee (JTC)
Broadcast of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Comité Européen de Normalisation ELECtrotechnique
(CENELEC) and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), and is now submitted for the ETSI
standards One-step Approval Procedure.
NOTE: The EBU/ETSI JTC Broadcast was established in 1990 to co-ordinate the drafting of standards in the
specific field of broadcasting and related fields. Since 1995 the JTC Broadcast became a tripartite body
by including in the Memorandum of Understanding also CENELEC, which is responsible for the
standardization of radio and television receivers. The EBU is a professional association of broadcasting
organizations whose work includes the co-ordination of its members' activities in the technical, legal,
programme-making and programme-exchange domains. The EBU has active members in about 60
countries in the European broadcasting area; its headquarters is in Geneva.
European Broadcasting Union
Tel: +41 22 717 21 11
Fax: +41 22 717 24 81
Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) Project
Founded in September 1993, the DVB Project is a market-led consortium of public and private sector organizations in
the television industry. Its aim is to establish the framework for the introduction of MPEG-2 based digital television
services. Now comprising over 200 organizations from more than 25 countries around the world, DVB fosters
market-led systems, which meet the real needs, and economic circumstances, of the consumer electronics and the
broadcast industry.
Proposed national transposition dates
Date of latest announcement of this EN (doa): 3 months after ETSI publication
Date of latest publication of new National Standard
or endorsement of this EN (dop/e): 6 months after doa
Date of withdrawal of any conflicting National Standard (dow): 6 months after doa
6 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
1 Scope
The present document describes a baseline transmission system for digital terrestrial TeleVision (TV) broadcasting. It
specifies the channel coding/modulation system intended for digital multi-programme LDTV/SDTV/EDTV/HDTV
terrestrial services.
The scope is as follows:
- it gives a general description of the Baseline System for digital terrestrial TV;
- it identifies the global performance requirements and features of the Baseline System, in order to meet the service
quality targets;
- it specifies the digitally modulated signal in order to allow compatibility between pieces of equipment developed
by different manufacturers. This is achieved by describing in detail the signal processing at the modulator side,
while the processing at the receiver side is left open to different implementation solutions.
However, it is necessary in this text to refer to certain aspects of reception.
2 References
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present
·  References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or
·  For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply.
·  For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies.
·  A non-specific reference to an ETS shall also be taken to refer to later versions published as an EN with the same
[1] ISO/IEC 13818: "Information technology -- Generic coding of moving pictures and associated
audio information, Part 1 (Systems), 2 (Video), 3 (Audio)".
[2] EN 300 421: "Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Framing structure, channel coding and
modulation for 11/12 GHz satellite services".
[3] EN 300 429: "Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Framing structure, channel coding and
modulation for cable systems".
3 Definition, symbols and abbreviations
3.1 Definition
For the purposes of the present document, the following definition applies:
constraint length: Number of delay elements +1 in the convolutional coder.
3.2 Symbols
For the purposes of the present document, the following symbols apply:
A(e) output vector from inner bit interleaver e
ae,w bit number w of inner bit interleaver output stream e
7 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
a constellation ratio which determines the QAM constellation for the modulation for hierarchical
B(e) input vector to inner bit interleaver e
be,w bit number w of inner bit interleaver input steam e
be,do output bit number do of demultiplexed bit stream number e of the inner interleaver demultiplexer
cm,l,k complex cell for frame m in OFDM symbol l at carrier k
C'k Complex modulation for a reference signal at carrier k
C'l,k Complex modulation for a TPS signal at carrier k in symbol l
C/N Carrier-to-noise ratio
D time duration of the guard interval
dfree convolutional code free distance
fc centre frequency of the emitted signal
G1, G2 convolutional code Generator polynomials
g(x) Reed-Solomon code generator polynomial
h(x) BCH code generator polynomial
H(q) inner symbol interleaver permutation
He(w) inner bit interleaver permutation
i priority stream index
I Interleaving depth of the outer convolutional interleaver
I0,I1,I2,I3,I4,I5 inner Interleavers
j branch index of the outer interleaver
k carrier number index in each OFDM symbol
K number of active carriers in the OFDM symbol
Kmin, Kmax carrier number of the lower and largest active carrier respectively in the OFDM signal
l OFDM symbol number index in an OFDM frame
m OFDM frame number index
m' OFDM super-frame number index
M convolutional interleaver branch depth for j = 1, M = N/I
n transport stream sync byte number
N length of error protected packet in bytes
Nmax inner symbol interleaver block size
p scattered pilot insertion index
p(x) RS code field generator polynomial
Pk(f) Power spectral density for carrier k
P(n) interleaving Pattern of the inner symbol interleaver
ri code rate for priority level i
si TPS bit index
t number of bytes which can be corrected by the Reed-Solomon decoder
T elementary Time period
TS duration of an OFDM symbol
TF Time duration of a frame
TU Time duration of the useful (orthogonal) part of a symbol, without the guard interval
u bit numbering index
v number of bits per modulation symbol
wk value of reference PRBS sequence applicable to carrier k
xdi input bit number di to the inner interleaver demultiplexer
x'di high priority input bit number di to the inner interleaver demultiplexer
x"di low priority input bit number di to the inner interleaver demultiplexer
Y output vector from inner symbol interleaver
Y' intermediate vector of inner symbol interleaver
yq bit number q of output from inner symbol interleaver
y'q bit number q of intermediate vector of inner symbol interleaver
z complex modulation symbol
8 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
3.3 Abbreviations
For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply:
ACI Adjacent Channel Interference
AFC Automatic Frequency Control
BCH Bose - Chaudhuri - Hocquenghem code
BER Bit Error Ratio
D/A Digital-to-Analogue converter
DBPSK Differential Binary Phase Shift Keying
DFT Discrete Fourier Transform
DVB Digital Video Broadcasting
DVB-T DVB-Terrestrial
EDTV Enhanced Definition TeleVision
FEC Forward Error Correction
FFT Fast Fourier Transform
FIFO First-In, First-Out shift register
HDTV High Definition TeleVision
HEX HEXadecimal notation
HP High Priority bit stream
IF Intermediate Frequency
IFFT Inverse Fast Fourier Transform
LDTV Limited Definition TeleVision
LO Local Oscillator
LP Low Priority bit stream
LSB Least Significant Bit
MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group
MSB Most Significant Bit
MUX MUltipleX
NICAM Near-Instantaneous Companded Audio Multiplex
OCT OCTal notation
OFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
PAL Phase Alternating Line
PCR Program Clock Reference
PID Program IDentifier
PRBS Pseudo-Random Binary Sequence
QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
QEF Quasi Error Free
QPSK Quaternary Phase Shift Keying
RF Radio Frequency
RS Reed-Solomon
SDTV Standard Definition TeleVision
SECAM Système Sequentiel Couleur A Mémoire
SFN Single Frequency Network
TPS Transmission Parameter Signalling
TV TeleVision
UHF Ultra-High Frequency
VHF Very-High Frequency
4 Baseline system
4.1 General considerations
The system is defined as the functional block of equipment performing the adaptation of the baseband TV signals from
the output of the MPEG-2 transport multiplexer, to the terrestrial channel characteristics. The following processes shall
be applied to the data stream (see figure 1):
9 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
- transport multiplex adaptation and randomization for energy dispersal;
- outer coding (i.e. Reed-Solomon code);
- outer interleaving (i.e. convolutional interleaving);
- inner coding (i.e. punctured convolutional code);
- inner interleaving;
- mapping and modulation;
- Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) transmission.
The system is directly compatible with MPEG-2 coded TV signals ISO/IEC 13818 [1].
Since the system is being designed for digital terrestrial television services to operate within the existing VHF and UHF
(see note) spectrum allocation for analogue transmissions, it is required that the System provides sufficient protection
against high levels of Co-Channel Interference (CCI) and Adjacent-Channel Interference (ACI) emanating from existing
PAL/SECAM/NTSC services. It is also a requirement that the System allows the maximum spectrum efficiency when
used within the VHF and UHF bands; this requirement can be achieved by utilizing Single Frequency Network (SFN)
NOTE: The OFDM system in the present document is specified for 8 MHz, 7 MHz and 6 MHz channel spacing.
The basic specification is the same for the three bandwidths except for the parameter elementary period T,
which is unique for the respective bandwidths. From an implementation point of view the elementary
period T can normally be seen as the inverse of the nominal system clock rate. By adjusting the system
clock rate the bandwidth and bit rate are modified accordingly.
To achieve these requirements an OFDM system with concatenated error correcting coding is being specified.
To maximize commonality with the Satellite baseline specification (see EN 300 421 [2]) and Cable baseline
specifications (see EN 300 429 [3]) the outer coding and outer interleaving are common, and the inner coding is
common with the Satellite baseline specification. To allow optimal trade off between network topology and frequency
efficiency, a flexible guard interval is specified. This will enable the system to support different network configurations,
such as large area SFN and single transmitter, while keeping maximum frequency efficiency.
Two modes of operation are defined: a "2K mode" and an "8K mode". The "2K mode" is suitable for single transmitter
operation and for small SFN networks with limited transmitter distances. The "8K mode" can be used both for single
transmitter operation and for small and large SFN networks.
The system allows different levels of QAM modulation and different inner code rates to be used to trade bit rate versus
ruggedness. The system also allows two level hierarchical channel coding and modulation, including uniform and multiresolution
constellation. In this case the functional block diagram of the system shall be expanded to include the
modules shown dashed in figure 1. The splitter separates the incoming transport stream into two independent MPEG
transport streams, referred to as the high-priority and the low-priority stream. These two bitstreams are mapped onto the
signal constellation by the Mapper and Modulator which therefore has a corresponding number of inputs.
To guarantee that the signals emitted by such hierarchical systems may be received by a simple receiver the hierarchical
nature is restricted to hierarchical channel coding and modulation without the use of hierarchical source coding.
A programme service can thus be "simulcast" as a low-bit-rate, rugged version and another version of higher bit rate and
lesser ruggedness. Alternatively, entirely different programmes can be transmitted on the separate streams with different
ruggedness. In either case, the receiver requires only one set of the inverse elements: inner de-interleaver, inner decoder,
outer de-interleaver, outer decoder and multiplex adaptation. The only additional requirement thus placed on the
receiver is the ability for the demodulator/de-mapper to produce one stream selected from those mapped at the sending
The price for this receiver economy is that reception can not switch from one layer to another (e.g. to select the more
rugged layer in the event of reception becoming degraded) while continuously decoding and presenting pictures and
sound. A pause is necessary (e.g. video freeze frame for approximately 0,5 seconds, audio interruption for
approximately 0,2 seconds) while the inner decoder and the various source decoders are suitably reconfigured and
reacquire lock.
10 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)

Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
1: Functional block diagram of the System
4.2 Interfacing
The Baseline System as defined in the present document is delimited by the following interfaces:
Table 1: Interfaces for the Baseline System
Location Interface Interface type Connection
Transmit Station Input MPEG-2 transport stream(s) multiplex from MPEG-2 multiplexer
Output RF signal to aerial
Receive Installation Input RF from aerial
Output MPEG-2 transport stream multiplex to MPEG-2 demultiplexer
4.3 Channel coding and modulation
4.3.1 Transport multiplex adaptation and randomization for energy
The System input stream shall be organized in fixed length packets (see figure 3), following the MPEG-2 transport
multiplexer. The total packet length of the MPEG-2 transport multiplex (MUX) packet is 188 bytes.
This includes 1 sync-word byte (i.e. 47HEX). The processing order at the transmitting side shall always start from the
MSB (i.e. "0") of the sync-word byte (i.e. 01 000 111). In order to ensure adequate binary transitions, the data of the
input MPEG-2 multiplex shall be randomized in accordance with the configurations depicted in figure 2.
11 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
Figure 2: Scrambler/descrambler schematic diagram
The polynomial for the Pseudo Random Binary Sequence (PRBS) generator shall be (see note):
1 + X14 + X15
NOTE: The polynomial description given here is in the form taken from the Satellite baseline specification
EN 300 421 [2]. Elsewhere, in both the Satellite baseline specification and in the present document, a
different polynomial notation is used which conforms with the standard textbook of Peterson and Weldon
(Error correcting codes, second edition, MIT Press, 1972).
Loading of the sequence "100101010000000" into the PRBS registers, as indicated in figure 2, shall be initiated at the
start of every eight transport packets. To provide an initialization signal for the descrambler, the MPEG-2 sync byte of
the first transport packet in a group of eight packets is bit-wise inverted from 47HEX (SYNC) to B8HEX (SYNC).
This process is referred to as "transport multiplex adaptation" (see figure 3b).
The first bit at the output of the PRBS generator shall be applied to the first bit (i.e. MSB) of the first byte following the
inverted MPEG-2 sync byte (i.e. B8HEX). To aid other synchronization functions, during the MPEG-2 sync bytes of the
subsequent 7 transport packets, the PRBS generation shall continue, but its output shall be disabled, leaving these bytes
unrandomized. Thus, the period of the PRBS sequence shall be 1 503 bytes.
The randomization process shall be active also when the modulator input bit-stream is non-existent, or when it is
non-compliant with the MPEG-2 transport stream format (i.e. 1 sync byte + 187 packet bytes).
4.3.2 Outer coding and outer interleaving
The outer coding and interleaving shall be performed on the input packet structure (see figure 3a).
Reed-Solomon RS (204,188, t = 8) shortened code (see note 1), derived from the original systematic RS (255,239, t = 8)
code, shall be applied to each randomized transport packet (188 byte) of figure 3b to generate an error protected packet
(see figure 3c). Reed-Solomon coding shall also be applied to the packet sync byte, either non-inverted (i.e. 47HEX) or
inverted (i.e. B8HEX).
NOTE 1: The Reed-Solomon code has length 204 bytes, dimension 188 bytes and allows to correct up to 8 random
erroneous bytes in a received word of 204 bytes.
Code Generator Polynomial: g(x) = (x+l0)(x+l1)(x+l2)...(x+l15), where l = 02HEX
Field Generator Polynomial: p(x) = x8 + x4 + x3 + x2 + 1
The shortened Reed-Solomon code may be implemented by adding 51 bytes, all set to zero, before the information bytes
at the input of an RS (255,239, t = 8) encoder. After the RS coding procedure these null bytes shall be discarded, leading
to a RS code word of N = 204 bytes.
Following the conceptual scheme of figure 4, convolutional byte-wise interleaving with depth I = 12 shall be applied to
the error protected packets (see figure 3c). This results in the interleaved data structure (see figure 3d).
12 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
The convolutional interleaving process shall be based on the Forney approach which is compatible with the Ramsey type
III approach, with I = 12. The interleaved data bytes shall be composed of error protected packets and shall be delimited
by inverted or non-inverted MPEG-2 sync bytes (preserving the periodicity of 204 bytes).
The interleaver may be composed of I = 12 branches, cyclically connected to the input byte-stream by the input switch.
Each branch j shall be a First-In, First-Out (FIFO) shift register, with depth j ´ M cells where M = 17 = N/I, N = 204.
The cells of the FIFO shall contain 1 byte, and the input and output switches shall be synchronized.
For synchronization purposes, the SYNC bytes and the SYNC bytes shall always be routed in the branch "0" of the
interleaver (corresponding to a null delay).
NOTE 2: The deinterleaver is similar in principle, to the interleaver, but the branch indices are reversed
(i.e. j = 0 corresponds to the largest delay). The deinterleaver synchronization can be carried out by
routeing the first recognized sync (SYNC or SYNC) byte in the "0" branch.
Figure 3: Steps in the process of adaptation, energy dispersal, outer coding and interleaving
SYNC1 is the non randomized complemented sync byte and SYNCn is the non randomized sync byte, n = 2, 3, ..., 8
13 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
Figure 4: Conceptual diagram of the outer interleaver and deinterleaver
4.3.3 Inner coding
The system shall allow for a range of punctured convolutional codes, based on a mother convolutional code of
rate ½ with 64 states. This will allow selection of the most appropriate level of error correction for a given service or
data rate in either non-hierarchical or hierarchical transmission mode. The generator polynomials of the mother code are
G1 = 171OCT for X output and G2 = 133OCT for Y output (see figure 5).
If two level hierarchical transmission is used, each of the two parallel channel encoders can have its own code rate.
In addition to the mother code of rate ½ the system shall allow punctured rates of 2/3, 3/4, 5/6 and 7/8.
The punctured convolutional code shall be used as given in table 3. See also figure 5. In this table X and Y refer to the
two outputs of the convolutional encoder.
Table 2: Puncturing pattern and transmitted sequence after parallel-to-serial conversion for the
possible code rates
Code Rates r Puncturing pattern Transmitted sequence
(after parallel-to-serial conversion)
1/2 X: 1
Y: 1
X 1Y1
2/3 X: 1 0
Y: 1 1
X1 Y1 Y2
3/4 X: 1 0 1
Y: 1 1 0
X1 Y1 Y2 X3
5/6 X: 1 0 1 0 1
Y: 1 1 0 1 0
X1 Y1 Y2 X3 Y4 X5
7/8 X: 1 0 0 0 1 0 1
Y: 1 1 1 1 0 1 0
X1 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 X5 Y6 X7
X1 is sent first. At the start of a super-frame the MSB of SYNC or SYNC shall lie at the point labelled "data input" in
figure 5. The super-frame is defined in subclause 4.4.
The first convolutionally encoded bit of a symbol always corresponds to X1.
14 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
Figure 5: The mother convolutional code of rate ½
Figure 6: Inner coding and interleaving
4.3.4 Inner interleaving
The inner interleaving consists of bit-wise interleaving followed by symbol interleaving. Both the bit-wise interleaving
and the symbol interleaving processes are block-based. Bit-wise interleaving
The input, which consists of up to two bit streams, is demultiplexed into v sub-streams, where v = 2 for QPSK, v = 4 for
16-QAM, and v = 6 for 64-QAM. In non-hierarchical mode, the single input stream is demultiplexed into v sub-streams.
In hierarchical mode the high priority stream is demultiplexed into two sub-streams and the low priority stream is
demultiplexed into v-2 sub-streams. This applies in both uniform and non-uniform QAM modes. See figures 7a and 7b.
The demultiplexing is defined as a mapping of the input bits, xdi onto the output bits be,do.
In non-hierarchical mode:
xdi = b[di(mod)v](div)(v/2)+2[di(mod)(v/2)],di(div)v
In hierarchical mode:
x'di = bdi(mod)2,di(div)2
x"di = b[di(mod)(v-2)](div)((v-2)/2)+2[di(mod)((v-2)/2)]+2,di(div)(v-2)
Where: xdi is the input to the demultiplexer in non-hierarchical mode;
x'di is the high priority input to the demultiplexer;
15 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
x"di is the low priority input, in hierarchical mode;
di is the input bit number;
be,do is the output from the demultiplexer;
e is the demultiplexed bit stream number (0 £ e < v);
do is the bit number of a given stream at the output of the demultiplexer;
mod is the integer modulo operator;
div is the integer division operator.
The demultiplexing results in the following mapping:
QPSK: x0 maps to b0,0
x1 maps to b1,0
16-QAM non-hierarchical transmission: 16-QAM hierarchical transmission:
x0 maps to b0,0
x1 maps to b2,0
x2 maps to b1,0
x3 maps to b3,0
x'0 maps to b0,0
x'1 maps to b1,0
x"0 maps to b2,0
x"1 maps to b3,0
64-QAM non-hierarchical transmission: 64-QAM hierarchical transmission:
x0 maps to b0,0
x1 maps to b2,0
x2 maps to b4,0
x3 maps to b1,0
x4 maps to b3,0
x5 maps to b5,0
x'0 maps to b0,0
x'1 maps to b1,0
x"0 maps to b2,0
x"1 maps to b4,0
x"2 maps to b3,0
x"3 maps to b5,0
16 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
Figure 7a: Mapping of input bits onto output modulation symbols, for non-hierarchical transmission
17 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
Figure 7b: Mapping of input bits onto output modulation symbols, for hierarchical transmission
Each sub-stream from the demultiplexer is processed by a separate bit interleaver. There are therefore up to six
interleavers depending on v, labelled I0 to I5. I0 and I1 are used for QPSK, I0 to I3 for 16-QAM and I0 to I5 for
Bit interleaving is performed only on the useful data. The block size is the same for each interleaver, but the interleaving
sequence is different in each case. The bit interleaving block size is 126 bits. The block interleaving process is therefore
repeated exactly twelve times per OFDM symbol of useful data in the 2K mode and forty-eight times per symbol in the
8K mode.
For each bit interleaver, the input bit vector is defined by:
B(e) = (be,0, be,1, be,2, ..., be,125) where e ranges from 0 to v-1
The interleaved output vector A(e) = (ae,0, ae,1, ae,2, ..., ae,125) is defined by:
ae,w = be,He(w) w = 0, 1, 2, ..., 125
where He(w) is a permutation function which is different for each interleaver.
He(w) is defined as follows for each interleaver:
I0: H0(w) = w
I1: H1(w) = (w + 63) mod 126
18 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
I2: H2(w) = (w + 105) mod 126
I3: H3(w) = (w + 42) mod 126
I4: H4(w) = (w + 21) mod 126
I5: H5(w) = (w + 84) mod 126
The outputs of the v bit interleavers are grouped to form the digital data symbols, such that each symbol of v bits will
consist of exactly one bit from each of the v interleavers. Hence, the output from the bit-wise interleaver is a v bit word
y' that has the output of I0 as its most significant bit, i.e.:
y'w = (a0,w, a1,w, ..., av-1,w) Symbol interleaver
The purpose of the symbol interleaver is to map v bit words onto the 1 512 (2K mode) or 6 048 (8K mode) active
carriers per OFDM symbol. The symbol interleaver acts on blocks of 1 512 (2K mode) or 6 048 (8K mode) data
Thus in the 2K mode, 12 groups of 126 data words from the bit interleaver are read sequentially into a vector
Y' = (y'0, y'1, y'2,...y'1511). Similarly in the 8K mode, a vector Y' = (y'0, y'1, y'2,...y'6047) is assembled from 48 groups
of 126 data words.
The interleaved vector Y = (y0, y1, y2,...yNmax-1) is defined by:
yH(q) = y'q for even symbols for q = 0,...,Nmax-1
yq = y'H(q) for odd symbols for q = 0,...,Nmax-1
where Nmax = 1 512 in the 2K mode and Nmax = 6 048 in the 8K mode.
The symbol index, defining the position of the current OFDM symbol in the OFDM frame, is defined in subclause 4.4.
H(q) is a permutation function defined by the following.
An (Nr - 1) bit binary word R'i is defined, with Nr = log2 Mmax, where Mmax = 2 048 in the 2K mode and Mmax = 8 192
in the 8K mode, where R'i takes the following values:
i = 0,1: R'i [Nr-2, Nr-3,...,1,0] = 0,0,...,0,0
i = 2: R'i [Nr-2, Nr-3,...,1,0] = 0,0,...,0,1
2 < i < Mmax: { R'i [Nr-3, Nr-4,...,1,0] = R'i-1 [Nr -2, Nr -3,...,2,1];
in the 2K mode: R'i [9] = R'i-1 [0] Å R'i-1 [3]
in the 8K mode: R'i [11] = R'i-1 [0] Å R'i-1 [1] Å R'i-1[4] Å R'i-1 [6] }
A vector Ri is derived from the vector R'i by the bit permutations given in tables 3a and 3b.
Table 3a: Bit permutations for the 2K mode
R'i bit positions 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Ri bit positions 0 7 5 1 8 2 6 9 3 4
Table 3b: Bit permutations for the 8K mode
R'i bit positions 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Ri bit positions 5 11 3 0 10 8 6 9 2 4 1 7
19 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
The permutation function H(q) is defined by the following algorithm:
q = 0;
for (i = 0; i < Mmax; i = i + 1)
{ H(q) (i mod2) 2N 1 R (j) 2
j 0
N 2
r j
= × - + ×

if (H(q)<Nmax) q = q+1; }
A schematic block diagram of the algorithm used to generate the permutation function is represented in figure 8a for the
2K mode and in figure 8b for the 8K mode.
wires permutation
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Figure 8a: Symbol interleaver address generation scheme for the 2K mode
wires permutation
11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Figure 8b: Symbol interleaver address generation scheme for the 8K mode
In a similar way to y', y is made up of v bits:
yq' = (y0,q', y1,q',..., yv-1,q')
where q' is the symbol number at the output of the symbol interleaver.
These values of y are used to map the data into the signal constellation, as described in subclause 4.3.5.
20 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
4.3.5 Signal constellations and mapping
The system uses Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex (OFDM) transmission. All data carriers in one OFDM frame
are either QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM, non-uniform-16-QAM or non-uniform-64-QAM using Gray mapping.
Gray mapping is applied according to the following method for QPSK, 16-QAM and 64-QAM. The mapping shall be
performed according to figure 9.
21 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
Figure 9a: The QPSK, 16-QAM and 64-QAM mappings and the corresponding bit patterns
(non-hierarchical, and hierarchical with a = 1)
The yu,q' denote the bits representing a complex modulation symbol z.
22 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
Figure 9b: Non-uniform 16-QAM and 64-QAM mappings with a = 2
The yu,q' denote the bits representing a complex modulation symbol z.
23 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
Figure 9c: Non-uniform 16-QAM and 64-QAM mappings with a = 4
The yu,q' denote the bits representing a complex modulation symbol z. Non-hierarchical transmission:
24 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
The data stream at the output of the inner interleaver consists of v bit words. These are mapped onto a
complex number z, according to figure 9a.
Hierarchical transmission:
In the case of hierarchical transmission, the data streams are formatted as shown in figure 7b, and then the mappings as
shown in figures 9a, 9b, or 9c are applied, as appropriate.
For hierarchical 16 QAM:
The high priority bits are the y0,q' and y1,q' bits of the inner interleaver output words. The low priority bits are the y2,q'
and y3,q' bits of the inner interleaver output words. The mappings of figures 9a, 9b or 9c are applied, as appropriate.
For example, the top left constellation point, corresponding to 1 000 represents y0,q' =1, y1,q' = y2,q' = y3,q' = 0.
If this constellation is decoded as if it were QPSK, the high priority bits, y0,q', y1,q' will be deduced. To decode the low
priority bits, the full constellation shall be examined and the appropriate bits (y2,q', y3,q') extracted from
y0,q', y1,q', y2,q', y3,q'.
For hierarchical 64 QAM:
The high priority bits are the y0,q' and y1,q' bits of the inner interleaver output words. The low priority bits are the
y2,q', y3,q', y4,q' and y5,q' bits of the inner interleaver output words. The mappings of figures 9a, 9b or 9c are applied, as
appropriate. If this constellation is decoded as if it were QPSK, the high priority bits, y0,q', y1,q' will be deduced.
To decode the low priority bits, the full constellation shall be examined and the appropriate bits (y2,q', y3,q', y4,q', y5,q',)
extracted from y0,q', y1,q', y2,q', y3,q', y4,q', y5,q'.
4.4 OFDM frame structure
The transmitted signal is organized in frames. Each frame has a duration of TF, and consists of 68 OFDM symbols.
Four frames constitute one super-frame. Each symbol is constituted by a set of K = 6 817 carriers in the 8K mode and
K = 1 705 carriers in the 2K mode and transmitted with a duration TS. It is composed by parts: a useful part with
duration TU and a guard interval with a duration D. The guard interval consists in a cyclic continuation of the useful part,
TU, and is inserted before it. Four values of guard intervals may be used according to table 5.
The symbols in an OFDM frame are numbered from 0 to 67. All symbols contain data and reference information.
Since the OFDM signal comprises many separately-modulated carriers, each symbol can in turn be considered to be
divided into cells, each corresponding to the modulation carried on one carrier during one symbol.
In addition to the transmitted data an OFDM frame contains:
- Scattered pilot cells;
- Continual pilot carriers;
- TPS carriers.
The pilots can be used for frame synchronization, frequency synchronization, time synchronization, channel estimation,
transmission mode identification and can also be used to follow the phase noise.
The carriers are indexed by k Î [Kmin; Kmax] and determined by Kmin = 0 and Kmax = 1 704 in 2K mode and 6 816 in
8K mode respectively. The spacing between adjacent carriers is 1/TU while the spacing between carriers Kmin and Kmax
are determined by (K-1)/TU. The numerical values for the OFDM parameters for the 8K and 2K modes are given in
tables 4 and 5 for 8 MHz channels and in annex E, Tables 1-4 for 6 MHz and 7 MHz channels. The values for the
various time-related parameters are given in multiples of the elementary period T and in microseconds. The elementary
period T is 7/64 ms for 8 MHz channels, 1/8 ms for 7 MHz channels and 7/48 ms for 6 MHz channels.
25 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
Table 4: Numerical values for the OFDM parameters for the 8K and 2K modes for 8 MHz channels
Parameter 8K mode 2K mode
Number of carriers K 6 817 1 705
Value of carrier number Kmin 0 0
Value of carrier number Kmax 6 816 1 704
Duration TU 896 ms 224 ms
Carrier spacing 1/TU (note 1) (note 2) 1 116 Hz 4 464 Hz
Spacing between carriers Kmin and Kmax (K-1)/TU (note 2) 7,61 MHz 7,61 MHz
NOTE 1: Values in italics are approximate values.
NOTE 2: Values for 8 MHz channels. Values for 6 MHz and 7 MHz channels are given in annex E tables E.1 and
The emitted signal is described by the following expression:
s t e j f t c t
m l k m l k
k K
m l
( ) Re c , , , , ( )
= ´
í ï
î ï
ý ï
þ ï
= = =
¥ 2 åå å
p y
where y
m l k
j t l T m T
t e TU s s
, ,
( )
( ) =
ìí ï
2 - - ´ -68´ ´
k' D ( ) ( ) l m T t l m T
+68´ ´ s £ £ +68´ +1 ´ s
k denotes the carrier number;
l denotes the OFDM symbol number;
m denotes the transmission frame number;
K is the number of transmitted carriers;
TS is the symbol duration;
TU is the inverse of the carrier spacing;
D is the duration of the guard interval;
fc is the central frequency of the RF signal;
k' is the carrier index relative to the centre frequency, k' = k - (Kmax + Kmin) / 2;
cm,0,k complex symbol for carrier k of the Data symbol no. 1 in frame number m;
cm,1,k complex symbol for carrier k of the Data symbol no. 2 in frame number m;
cm,67,k complex symbol for carrier k of the Data symbol no. 68 in frame number m.
26 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
Table 5: Duration of symbol part for the allowed guard intervals for 8 MHz channels
Mode 8K mode 2K mode
Guard interval
D / TU
1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32
Duration of symbol
part TU
8 192 ´ T
896 ms (note)
2 048 ´ T
224 ms (note)
Duration of guard
interval D
2 048 ´ T
224 ms
1 024 ´ T
112 ms
512 ´ T
56 ms
256 ´ T
28 ms
512 ´ T
56 ms
256 ´ T
28 ms
128 ´ T
14 ms
64 ´ T
7 ms
Symbol duration
TS = D + TU
10 240 ´ T
1 120 ms
9 216 ´ T
1 008 ms
8 704 ´ T
952 ms
8 448 ´ T
924 ms
2 560 ´ T
280 ms
2 304 ´ T
252 ms
2 176 ´ T
238 ms
2 112 ´ T
231 ms
NOTE: Values for 8 MHz channels. Values for 6 MHz and 7 MHz channels are given in annex E, tables E3 and E4.
The cm,l,k values are normalized modulation values of the constellation point z (see figure 9) according to the
modulation alphabet used for the data. The normalization factors yield E[c ´ c*] = 1 and are shown in table 6.
Table 6: Normalization factors for data symbols
Modulation scheme Normalization factor
QPSK c = z/Ö2
16-QAM a = 1 c = z/Ö10
a = 2 c = z/Ö20
a = 4 c = z/Ö52
64-QAM a = 1 c = z/Ö42
a = 2 c = z/Ö60
a = 4 c = z/Ö108
4.5 Reference signals
4.5.1 Functions and derivation
Various cells within the OFDM frame are modulated with reference information whose transmitted value is known to the
receiver. Cells containing reference information are transmitted at "boosted" power level (see subclause 4.5.5).
The information transmitted in these cells are scattered or continual pilot cells.
Each continual pilot coincides with a scattered pilot every fourth symbol; the number of useful data carriers is constant
from symbol to symbol: 1 512 useful carriers in 2K mode and 6 048 useful carriers in 8K mode.
The value of the scattered or continual pilot information is derived from a PRBS (Pseudo Random Binary Sequence)
which is a series of values, one for each of the transmitted carriers (see subclause 4.5.2).
4.5.2 Definition of reference sequence
The continual and scattered pilots are modulated according to a PRBS sequence, wk, corresponding to their respective
carrier index k. This sequence also governs the starting phase of the TPS information (described in subclause 4.6).
The PRBS sequence is generated according to figure 10.
The PRBS is initialized so that the first output bit from the PRBS coincides with the first active carrier. A new value is
generated by the PRBS on every used carrier (whether or not it is a pilot).
27 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
Figure 10: Generation of PRBS sequence
The polynomial for the Pseudo Random Binary Sequence (PRBS) generator shall be:
X11 + X2 + 1 (see figure 10)
4.5.3 Location of scattered pilot cells
Reference information, taken from the reference sequence, is transmitted in scattered pilot cells in every symbol.
Scattered pilot cells are always transmitted at the "boosted" power level (see subclause 4.5.5). Thus the corresponding
modulation is given by:
Re{cm,l,k} = 4 / 3 ´ 2 (½ - wk)
Im{cm,l,k,} = 0
Where m is the frame index, k is the frequency index of the carriers and l is the time index of the symbols.
For the symbol of index l ( ranging from 0 to 67), carriers for which index k belongs to the subset
{k = Kmin + 3 ´ (l mod 4) + 12p ç p integer, p ³ 0, k Î [Kmin; Kmax] } are scattered pilots.
Where p is an integer that takes all possible values greater than or equal to zero, provided that the resulting
value for k does not exceed the valid range [Kmin;Kmax].
The pilot insertion pattern is shown in figure 11.
Figure 11: Frame structure
symbol 3
symbol 1
TPS pilots and continual pilots between Kmin and Kmax are not indicated
boosted pilot
Kmax = 1 704 if 2K
symbol 2
symbol 0
symbol 67
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
PRBS sequence starts: 1111111111100...
Kmax = 6 816 if 8K
28 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
4.5.4 Location of continual pilot carriers
In addition to the scattered pilots described above, 177 continual (see note) pilots in the 8K mode and 45 in the 2K
mode, are inserted according to table 7.
NOTE: Where "continual" means that they occur on all symbols.
Table 7: Carrier indices for continual pilot carriers
Continual pilot carrier positions (index number k)
2K mode 8K mode
0 48 54 87 141 156 192 201 255 279 282 333 432 450
483 525 531 618 636 714 759 765 780 804 873 888 918
939 942 969 984 1050 1101 1107 1110 1137 1140 1146
1206 1269 1323 1377 1491 1683 1704
0 48 54 87 141 156 192 201 255 279 282 333 432 450
483 525 531 618 636 714 759 765 780 804 873 888
918 939 942 969 984 1050 1101 1107 1110 1137 1140
1146 1206 1269 1323 1377 1491 1683 1704 1752
1758 1791 1845 1860 1896 1905 1959 1983 1986
2037 2136 2154 2187 2229 2235 2322 2340 2418
2463 2469 2484 2508 2577 2592 2622 2643 2646
2673 2688 2754 2805 2811 2814 2841 2844 2850
2910 2973 3027 3081 3195 3387 3408 3456 3462
3495 3549 3564 3600 3609 3663 3687 3690 3741
3840 3858 3891 3933 3939 4026 4044 4122 4167
4173 4188 4212 4281 4296 4326 4347 4350 4377
4392 4458 4509 4515 4518 4545 4548 4554 4614
4677 4731 4785 4899 5091 5112 5160 5166 5199
5253 5268 5304 5313 5367 5391 5394 5445 5544
5562 5595 5637 5643 5730 5748 5826 5871 5877
5892 5916 5985 6000 6030 6051 6054 6081 6096
6162 6213 6219 6222 6249 6252 6258 6318 6381
6435 6489 6603 6795 6816
All continual pilots are modulated according to the reference sequence, see subclause 4.5.2.
The continual pilots are transmitted at "boosted" power level.
Thus the corresponding modulation is given by:
Re{cm,l,k} = 4 / 3 ´ 2 (½ - wk)
Im{cm,l,k} = 0
4.5.5 Amplitudes of all reference information
As explained in subclause 4.4 the modulation of all data cells is normalized so that E[c ´ c*] = 1.
All cells which are continual or scattered pilots, i.e. they are members of the sets defined in subclauses 4.5.3 or 4.5.4,
are transmitted at boosted power so that for these E[c ´ c*] = 16/9.
29 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
4.6 Transmission Parameter Signalling (TPS)
The TPS carriers are used for the purpose of signalling parameters related to the transmission scheme, i.e. to channel
coding and modulation. The TPS is transmitted in parallel on 17 TPS carriers for the 2K mode and on 68 carriers for the
8K mode. Every TPS carrier in the same symbol conveys the same differentially encoded information bit. The following
carrier indices contain TPS carriers:
Table 8: Carrier indices for TPS carriers
2K mode 8K mode
34 50 209 346 413 569 595 688 790 901
1073 1219 1262 1286 1469 1594 1687
34 50 209 346 413 569 595 688 790 901 1073 1219 1262 1286 1469
1594 1687 1738 1754 1913 2050 2117 2273 2299 2392 2494 2605
2777 2923 2966 2990 3173 3298 3391 3442 3458 3617 3754 3821
3977 4003 4096 4198 4309 4481 4627 4670 4694 4877 5002 5095
5146 5162 5321 5458 5525 5681 5707 5800 5902 6013 6185 6331
6374 6398 6581 6706 6799
The TPS carriers convey information on:
a) modulation including the a value of the QAM constellation pattern (see note);
b) hierarchy information;
c) guard interval (not for initial acquisition but for supporting initial response of the receiver in case of
d) inner code rates;
e) transmission mode (2K or 8K, not for the initial acquisition but for supporting initial response of the receiver in
case of reconfiguration);
f) frame number in a super-frame.
NOTE: The a value defines the modulation based on the cloud spacing of a generalized QAM constellation.
It allows specification of uniform and non-uniform modulation schemes, covering QPSK, 16-QAM, and
4.6.1 Scope of the TPS
The TPS is defined over 68 consecutive OFDM symbols, referred to as one OFDM frame. Four consecutive frames
correspond to one OFDM super-frame.
The reference sequence corresponding to the TPS carriers of the first symbol of each OFDM frame are used to initialize
the TPS modulation on each TPS carrier (see subclause 4.6.3).
Each OFDM symbol conveys one TPS bit. Each TPS block (corresponding to one OFDM frame) contains 68 bits,
defined as follows:
- 1 initialization bit;
- 16 synchronization bits;
- 37 information bits;
- 14 redundancy bits for error protection.
Of the 37 information bits, 23 are used at present. The remaining 14 bits are reserved for future use, and should be set to
30 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
4.6.2 TPS transmission format
The transmission parameter information shall be transmitted as shown in table 9.
The mapping of each of the transmission parameters: constellation characteristics, a value, code rate(s), super-frame
indicator and guard interval onto the bit combinations is performed according to subclauses to
The left most bit is sent first.
Table 9: TPS signalling information and format
Bit number Format Purpose/Content
s0 see subclause Initialization
s1- s16 0011010111101110 or
Synchronization word
s17 - s22 010 111 Length indicator
s23, s24 see table 10 Frame number
s25, s26 see table 11 Constellation
s27, s28, s29 see table 12 Hierarchy information
s30, s31, s32 see table 13 Code rate, HP stream
s33, s34, s35 see table 13 Code rate, LP stream
s36, s37 see table 14 Guard interval
s38, s39 see table 15 Transmission mode
s40 - s53 all set to "0" Reserved for future use
s54 - s67 BCH code Error protection
The TPS information transmitted in super-frame m' bits s25 - s39 always apply to super-frame m' + 1, whereas all other
bits refer to super-frame m'. Initialization
The first bit, s0, is an initialization bit for the differential 2-PSK modulation. The modulation of the TPS initialization bit
is derived from the PRBS sequence defined in subclause 4.5.2. This process is described in subclause 4.6.3. Synchronization
Bits 1 to 16 of the TPS is a synchronization word.
The first and third TPS block in each super-frame have the following synchronization word:
s1 - s16 = 0011010111101110.
The second and fourth TPS block have the following synchronization word:
s1 - s16 = 1100101000010001. TPS length indicator
The first 6 bits of the TPS information is used as a TPS length indicator (binary count) to signal the number of used bits
of the TPS. This length indicator has the value s17 - s22 = 010111 at present.
31 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01) Frame number
Four frames constitute one super-frame. The frames inside the super-frame are numbered from 0 to 3 according to
table 10:
Table 10: Signalling format for frame number
Bits s23,s24 Frame number
00 Frame number 1 in the super-frame
01 Frame number 2 in the super-frame
10 Frame number 3 in the super-frame
11 Frame number 4 in the super-frame Constellation
The constellation shall be signalled by 2 bits according to table 11. In order to determine the modulation scheme, the
receiver shall also decode the hierarchy information given in table 12.
Table 11: Signalling format for the possible constellation patterns
Bits s25, s26 Constellation characteristics
01 16-QAM
10 64-QAM
11 reserved Hierarchy information
The hierarchy information specifies whether the transmission is hierarchical and, if so, what the a value is. The QAM
constellation diagrams which correspond to various a values are shown in figures 9a/b/c. Where a is signalled by three
bits according to table 12.
Table 12: Signalling format for the a values
Bits s27, s28, s29 a value
000 Non hierarchical
001 a = 1
010 a = 2
011 a = 4
100 reserved
101 reserved
110 reserved
111 reserved Code rates
Non-hierarchical channel coding and modulation requires signalling of one code rate r. In this case, three bits specifying
the code rate according to table 13 are followed by another three bits of value 000.
Two different code rates may be applied to two different levels of the modulation with the aim of achieving hierarchy.
Transmission then starts with the code rate for the HP level (r1) of the modulation and ends with the one for the LP level
(r2). Each code rate shall be signalled according to table 13.
32 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
Table 13: Signalling format for each of the code rates
s30, s31, s32 (HP stream)
s33, s34, s35 (LP stream)
Code rate
000 1/2
001 2/3
010 3/4
011 5/6
100 7/8
101 reserved
110 reserved
111 reserved Guard Intervals
The value of the guard interval is signalled according to table 14:
Table 14: Signalling format for each of the guard interval values
Bits s36, s37 Guard interval values (D/TU)
00 1/32
01 1/16
10 1/8
11 1/4 Transmission mode
Two bits are used to signal the transmission mode (2K mode or 8K mode).
Table 15: Signalling format for transmission mode
Bits s38, s39 Transmission mode
00 2K mode
01 8K mode
10 reserved
11 reserved Error protection of TPS
The 53 bits containing the TPS synchronization and information (bits s1 - s53) are extended with 14 parity bits of the
BCH (67,53, t = 2) shortened code, derived from the original systematic BCH (127,113, t = 2) code.
Code generator polynomial:
h(x) = x14 + x9 + x8 + x6 + x5 + x4 + x2 + x + 1.
The shortened BCH code may be implemented by adding 60 bits, all set to zero, before the information bits input of an
BCH(127,113,t = 2) encoder. After the BCH encoding these null bits shall be discarded, leading to a BCH code word of
67 bits.
33 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
4.6.3 TPS modulation
TPS cells are transmitted at the "normal" power level, i.e. they are transmitted with energy equal to that of the mean of
all data cells, i.e. E[c ´ c*] = 1.
Every TPS carrier is DBPSK modulated and conveys the same message. The DBPSK is initialized at the beginning of
each TPS block.
The following rule applies for the differential modulation of carrier k of symbol l ( l > 0 ) in frame m:
- if sl = 0, then Re{cm,l,k} = Re{cm,l-1,k}; Im{cm,l,k} = 0;
- if sl = 1, then Re{cm,l,k} = -Re{cm,l-1,k}; Im{cm,l,k} = 0.
The absolute modulation of the TPS carriers in the first symbol in a frame is derived from the reference sequence wk as
Re{cm,l,k} = 2 (½ - wk)
Im{cm,l,k} = 0
4.7 Number of RS-packets per OFDM super-frame
The OFDM frame structure allows for an integer number of Reed-Solomon 204 byte packets to be transmitted in an
OFDM super-frame, and therefore avoids the need for any stuffing, whatever the constellation, the guard interval length,
the coding rate or the channel bandwidth may be. See table 16.
The first data byte transmitted in an OFDM super-frame shall be one of the SYNC/ SYNC bytes.
Table 16: Number of Reed-Solomon packets per OFDM super-frame for all combinations of guard
interval, code rates and modulation forms
2K mode 8K mode 2K mode 8K mode 2K mode 8K mode
1/2 252 1008 504 2016 756 3024
2/3 336 1344 672 2688 1008 4032
3/4 378 1512 756 3024 1134 4536
5/6 420 1680 840 3360 1260 5040
7/8 441 1764 882 3528 1323 5292
34 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
Table 17: Useful bitrate (Mbit/s) for all combinations of guard interval, constellation and code rate for
non-hierarchical systems for 8 MHz channels
Modulation Code rate Guard interval
1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32
1/2 4,98 5,53 5,85 6,03
2/3 6,64 7,37 7,81 8,04
QPSK 3/4 7,46 8,29 8,78 9,05
5/6 8,29 9,22 9,76 10,05
7/8 8,71 9,68 10,25 10,56
1/2 9,95 11,06 11,71 12,06
2/3 13,27 14,75 15,61 16,09
16-QAM 3/4 14,93 16,59 17,56 18,10
5/6 16,59 18,43 19,52 20,11
7/8 17,42 19,35 20,49 21,11
1/2 14,93 16,59 17,56 18,10
2/3 19,91 22,12 23,42 24,13
64-QAM 3/4 22,39 24,88 26,35 27,14
5/6 24,88 27,65 29,27 30,16
7/8 26,13 29,03 30,74 31,67
NOTE: Figures in italics are approximate values. Values for 8 MHz channels. Values for 6 and 7 MHz channels
are given in annex E, table E.5 and E6.
For the hierarchical schemes the useful bit rates can be obtained from table 17 as follows:
HP stream: figures from QPSK columns;
LP stream, 16 QAM: figures from QPSK columns;
LP stream, 64 QAM: figures from 16 QAM columns.
4.8 Spectrum characteristics and spectrum mask
4.8.1 Spectrum characteristics
The OFDM symbols constitute a juxtaposition of equally-spaced orthogonal carriers. The amplitudes and phases of the
data cell carriers are varying symbol by symbol according to the mapping process described in subclause 4.3.5.
The power spectral density Pk (f) of each carrier at frequency:
f f
k' k (K K ) / 2; (K k K )
max min min max
c = +
= - + £ £
is defined by the following expression:
P (f)
sin (f f ) T
k (f f ) T
k s
k s
´ - ´
´ - ´
ë ê
û ú
The overall power spectral density of the modulated data cell carriers is the sum of the power spectral densities of all
these carriers. A theoretical DVB transmission signal spectrum is illustrated in figure 12 (for 8 MHz channels). Because
the OFDM symbol duration is larger than the inverse of the carrier spacing, the main lobe of the power spectral density
of each carrier is narrower than twice the carrier spacing. Therefore the spectral density is not constant within the
nominal bandwidth of 7,608 258 MHz for the 8K mode or 7,611 607 MHz for the 2K mode (see note).
NOTE: Values in italics are approximate values.
35 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
-8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
frequency relative to centre frequency fc
power spectrum density
2 k mode
8 k mode
Figure 12: Theoretical DVB transmission signal spectrum for guard interval D = Tu /4 (for 8 MHz
4.8.2 Out-of-band spectrum mask (for 8 MHz channels)
The level of the spectrum at frequencies outside the nominal bandwidth can be reduced by applying appropriate
Spectrum masks for cases where a transmitter for digital terrestrial television is co-sited with, and operating on a channel
adjacent to, a transmitter for analogue television are given in figure 13 and table 18 for the following analogue television
G / PAL / A2 and G / PAL / NICAM;
K / SECAM and K / PAL;
The masks shown in figure 13 cover the minimum protection needed for analogue television where the analogue and the
digital television transmitters are co-sited and are applicable for cases where:
- no polarization discrimination between digital and analogue television is used; and
- the radiated power from both transmitters is the same (analogue sync-peak power equal to total power from the
digital television transmitter).
If the radiated powers from the two transmitters are not identical, proportional correction can be applied as follows:
correction = minimum analogue erp - maximum digital erp.
Corrected breakpoints equal reference breakpoints plus correction (dB).
Power level measured in a 4 kHz bandwidth,
where 0 dB corresponds to the total output power
36 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
-12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Frequency relative to centre of DVB-T channel (MHz)
-12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
System G / PAL / NICAM System G / PAL / A2 System I / PAL / NICAM
System K / SECAM and K / PAL System L / SECAM / NICAM
Figure 13: Spectrum masks for a digital terrestrial television transmitter operating on a lower or
higher adjacent channel to a co-sited analogue television transmitter
37 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
Table 18: Breakpoints for spectrum mask
see notes rel. freq. rel. level rel. freq. rel. level rel. freq. rel. level rel. freq. rel. level rel. freq. rel. level
below MHz dB MHz dB MHz dB MHz dB MHz dB
1 -12 -100 -12 -100 -12 -100 -12 -100 -12 -100
2 -10,75 -76,9 -10,75 -76,9 -10,75 -76,9 -10,75 -78,7 -10,75 -72,4
3 -9,75 -76,9 -9,75 -76,9 -9,75 -76,9 -9,75 -78,7 -9,75 -72,4
4 -5,75 -74,2 -5,75 -74,2 -5,75 -70,9 -4,75 -73,6 -4,75 -60,9
5 -5,185 -60,9 -5,185 n.a. -4,685 -59,9 -4,185 -59,9 -4,185 -79,9
6 n.a. n.a. -4,94 -69,9 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
7 -4,65 -56,9 n.a. n.a. -3,925 -56,9 n.a. n.a. -4,65 n.a.
8 -3,9 -32,8 -3,9 -32,8 -3,9 -32,8 -3,9 -32,8 -3,9 -32,8
9 +3,9 -32,8 +3,9 -32,8 +3,9 -32,8 +3,9 -32,8 +3,9 -32,8
10 +4,25 -64,9 +4,25 -64,9 +4,25 -66,9 +4,25 -66,1 +4,25 -59,9
11 +5,25 -76,9 +5,25 -76,9 +5,25 -76,2 +5,25 -78,7 +5,25 -69,9
12 +6,25 -76,9 +6,25 -76,9 +6,25 -76,9 +6,25 -78,7 +6,25 -72,4
13 +10,25 -76,9 +10,25 -76,9 +10,25 -76,9 +11,25 -78,7 +11,25 -72,4
14 +12 -100 +12 -100 +12 -100 +12 -100 +12 -100
NOTE 1: Lower end of lower adjacent channel.
NOTE 2: Vision carrier in lower adjacent channel.
NOTE 3: Vision carrier + 1 MHz in lower adjacent channel.
NOTE 4: Upper end of video sideband in lower adjacent channel.
NOTE 5: Upper end of the RF bandwidth of the first soundcarrier in lower adjacent channel.
NOTE 6: Upper end of the RF bandwidth of the A2 second soundcarrier in lower adjacent channel.
NOTE 7: Upper end of the RF bandwidth of the NICAM signal in the lower adjacent channel.
NOTE 8: Lower end of the RF bandwidth of the DVB-T signal.
NOTE 9: Upper end of the RF bandwidth of the DVB-T signal.
NOTE 10: Lower video sideband (vision carrier - 1 MHz) in upper adjacent channel.
NOTE 11: Vision carrier in upper adjacent channel.
NOTE 12: Vision carrier + 1 MHz in upper adjacent channel.
NOTE 13: Upper end of video sideband in upper adjacent channel.
NOTE 14: Upper end of upper adjacent channel.
Cells marked "n.a" in table 18 indicates that this part of the analogue television signal does not exist or has no influence
on the shape of the spectrum mask.
For critical cases such as television channels adjacent to other services (low power or receive only) a spectrum mask
with higher of out-of-channel attenuation may be needed. A spectrum mask for critical cases is shown in figure 14.
Breakpoints for the critical mask are given in table 19.
38 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
Power level measured in a 4 kHz bandwidth,
where 0 dB corresponds to the total output power
-12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Frequency relative to centre of DVB-T channel (MHz)
Figure 14: Spectrum mask for critical cases
Table 19: Breakpoints for spectrum mask for critical cases
relative frequency
relative level
-12 -120
-6 -95
-4,2 -83
-3,8 -32,8
+3,8 -32,8
+4,2 -83
+6 -95
+12 -120
4.8.3 Centre frequency of RF signal (for 8 MHz UHF channels)
The nominal centre frequency fc of the RF signal is given by:
470 MHz + 4 MHz + i1 ´ 8 MHz, i1 = 0, 1, 2, 3, ....
This is exactly the centre frequency of the UHF channel in use. This centre frequency may be offset to improve spectrum
39 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
Annex A (informative):
Simulated system performance for 8 MHz channels
Tables A.1, A.2 and A.3 give simulated performance anticipating "perfect channel estimation and without phase noise"
of channel coding and modulation combinations, and are subject to confirmation by testing.
These results are given for the Gaussian channel, Ricean channel (F1) and Rayleigh channel (P1), when the centre carrier
of the DVB-T signal is positioned at 32/7 MHz. F1 and P1 are described in annex B.
Associated useful bit rates available are also indicated as a function of the guard interval to active symbol duration for
the four different values of guard interval.
Table A.1: Required C/N for non-hierarchical transmission to achieve a BER = 2 ´ 10-4 after the
Viterbi decoder for all combinations of coding rates and modulation types.
The net bit rates after the Reed-Solomon decoder are also listed
Required C/N for
BER = 2 ´ 10-4 after Viterbi
QEF after Reed-Solomon
Bitrate (Mbit/s)
D/TU = 1/4 D/TU = 1/8 D/TU = 1/16 D/TU = 1/32
QPSK 1/2 3,1 3,6 5,4 4,98 5,53 5,85 6,03
QPSK 2/3 4,9 5,7 8,4 6,64 7,37 7,81 8,04
QPSK 3/4 5,9 6,8 10,7 7,46 8,29 8,78 9,05
QPSK 5/6 6,9 8,0 13,1 8,29 9,22 9,76 10,05
QPSK 7/8 7,7 8,7 16,3 8,71 9,68 10,25 10,56
16-QAM 1/2 8,8 9,6 11,2 9,95 11,06 11,71 12,06
16-QAM 2/3 11,1 11,6 14,2 13,27 14,75 15,61 16,09
16-QAM 3/4 12,5 13,0 16,7 14,93 16,59 17,56 18,10
16-QAM 5/6 13,5 14,4 19,3 16,59 18,43 19,52 20,11
16-QAM 7/8 13,9 15,0 22,8 17,42 19,35 20,49 21,11
64-QAM 1/2 14,4 14,7 16,0 14,93 16,59 17,56 18,10
64-QAM 2/3 16,5 17,1 19,3 19,91 22,12 23,42 24,13
64-QAM 3/4 18,0 18,6 21,7 22,39 24,88 26,35 27,14
64-QAM 5/6 19,3 20,0 25,3 24,88 27,65 29,27 30,16
64-QAM 7/8 20,1 21,0 27,9 26,13 29,03 30,74 31,67
NOTE: Figures in italics are approximate values.
Quasi Error Free (QEF) means less than one uncorrected error event per hour, corresponding to
BER = 10-11 at the input of the MPEG-2 demultiplexer.
40 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
Table A.2: Required C/N for hierarchical transmission to achieve a BER = 2 ´ 10-4 after Viterbi decoder
Required C/N for
BER = 2 ´ 10-4 after Viterbi
QEF after Reed-Solomon
Bitrate (Mbit/s)
Rate a
D/TU = 1/4 D/TU = 1/8 D/TU = 1/32 D/TU = 1/16
1/2 4,8 5,4 6,9 4,98 5,53 5,85 6,03
QPSK 2/3 7,1 7,7 9,8 6,64 7,37 7,81 8,04
3/4 8,4 9,0 11,8 7,46 8,29 8,78 9,05
in 2 +
1/2 13,0 13,3 14,9 4,98 5,53 5,85 6,03
non- 2/3 15,1 15,3 17,9 6,64 7,37 7,81 8,04
uniform 3/4 16,3 16,9 20,0 7,46 8,29 8,78 9,05
16-QAM 5/6 16,9 17,8 22,4 8,29 9,22 9,76 10,05
7/8 17,9 18,7 24,1 8,71 9,68 10,25 10,56
1/2 3,8 4,4 6,0 4,98 5,53 5,85 6,03
QPSK 2/3 5,9 6,6 8,6 6,64 7,37 7,81 8,04
3/4 7,1 7,9 10,7 7,46 8,29 8,78 9,05
in 4 +
1/2 17,3 17,8 19,6 4,98 5,53 5,85 6,03
non- 2/3 19,1 19,6 22,3 6,64 7,37 7,81 8,04
uniform 3/4 20,1 20,8 24,2 7,46 8,29 8,78 9,05
16-QAM 5/6 21,1 22,0 26,0 8,29 9,22 9,76 10,05
7/8 21,9 22,8 28,5 8,71 9,68 10,25 10,56
NOTE: Figures in italics are approximate values.
Results for QPSK in non-uniform 64-QAM with a = 4 are not included due to the poor performance of the
64-QAM signal.
41 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
Table A.3: Required C/N for hierarchical transmission to achieve a BER = 2 x 10-4 after Viterbi decoder
Required C/N for
BER = 2 x 10-4 after Viterbi
QEF after Reed-Solomon
Bitrate (Mbit/s)
Rate a
D/TU = 1/4 D/TU = 1/8 D/TU = 1/16 D/TU = 1/32
1/2 8,9 9,5 11,4 4,98 5,53 5,85 6,03
QPSK 2/3 12,1 12,7 14,8 6,64 7,37 7,81 8,04
3/4 13,7 14,3 17,5 7,46 8,29 8,78 9,05
in 1 +
1/2 14,6 14,9 16,4 9,95 11,06 11,71 12,06
uniform 2/3 16,9 17,6 19,4 13,27 14,75 15,61 16,09
64-QAM 3/4 18,6 19,1 22,2 14,93 16,59 17,56 18,10
5/6 20,1 20,8 25,8 16,59 18,43 19,52 20,11
7/8 21,1 22,2 27,6 17,42 19,35 20,49 21,11
1/2 6,5 7,1 8,7 4,98 5,53 5,85 6,03
QPSK 2/3 9,0 9,9 11,7 6,64 7,37 7,81 8,04
3/4 10,8 11,5 14,5 7,46 8,29 8,78 9,05
in 2 +
1/2 16,3 16,7 18,2 9,95 11,06 11,71 12,06
non- 2/3 18,9 19,5 21,7 13,27 14,75 15,61 16,09
uniform 3/4 21,0 21,6 24,5 14,93 16,59 17,56 18,10
64-QAM 5/6 21,9 22,7 27,3 16,59 18,43 19,52 20,11
7/8 22,9 23,8 29,6 17,42 19,35 20,49 21,11
NOTE: Figures in italics are approximate values.
Results for QPSK in non-uniform 64-QAM with a = 4 are not included due to the poor performance of
the 64-QAM signal.
42 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
Annex B (informative):
Definition of P1 and F1
The performance of the system has been simulated with two channel models for fixed reception -F1 and portable
reception -P1, respectively.
The channel models have been generated from the following equations where x(t) and y(t) are input and output signals
a) Fixed reception F1:
y t
x t e x t i
( ) =
+ - -
r r t
( ) ( )
- the first term before the sum represents the line of sight ray;
- N is the number of echoes equals to 20;
- qi is the phase shift from scattering of the i'th path - listed in table B.1;
- ri is the attenuation of the i'th path - listed in table B.1;
- ti is the relative delay of the i'th path - listed in table B.1.
The Ricean factor K (the ratio of the power of the direct path (the line of sight ray) to the reflected paths) is given as:
i 1
N =
= å
In the simulations a Ricean factor K = 10 dB has been used. In this case:
r o r i
= å10 2
b) Portable reception, Rayleigh fading (P1):
y t k e x t i
( ) = - i -
= å
r q ( t )
where k
= å
qi, ri and ti are given in table B.1.
43 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
Table B.1: Relative power, phase and delay values for F1 and P1
i ri ti [ms] qi [rad]
1 0,057 662 1,003 019 4,855 121
2 0,176 809 5,422 091 3,419 109
3 0,407 163 0,518 650 5,864 470
4 0,303 585 2,751 772 2,215 894
5 0,258 782 0,602 895 3,758 058
6 0,061 831 1,016 585 5,430 202
7 0,150 340 0,143 556 3,952 093
8 0,051 534 0,153 832 1,093 586
9 0,185 074 3,324 866 5,775 198
10 0,400 967 1,935 570 0,154 459
11 0,295 723 0,429 948 5,928 383
12 0,350 825 3,228 872 3,053 023
13 0,262 909 0,848 831 0,628 578
14 0,225 894 0,073 883 2,128 544
15 0,170 996 0,203 952 1,099 463
16 0,149 723 0,194 207 3,462 951
17 0,240 140 0,924 450 3,664 773
18 0,116 587 1,381 320 2,833 799
19 0,221 155 0,640 512 3,334 290
20 0,259 730 1,368 671 0,393 889
44 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
Annex C (informative):
Interleaving example
The bit interleaving and symbol interleaving rules and the corresponding mapping onto carriers are illustrated in
table C.1 for the first symbol in a superframe (i.e. even symbol), 2K mode, 64 QAM, non-hierarchical transmission.
Table C.1 shows the input bit indeces to the mapping block, shown in figure 7a, when the input bits to the bit interleaver
are numbered 0 to 9071, and the corresponding carrier number. The indices corresponds to the interleaver input bit
Table C.1: Mapping of input bits.
Input to mapping block
yq' = y0q', y1q', y2q', y3q', y4q', y5q'
number k
pilot 0
0, 381, 631, 256, 128, 509 1
4602, 4983, 5233, 4858, 4730, 5111 2
36, 417, 667, 292, 164, 545 3
4656, 5037, 5287, 4912, 4784, 5165 4
48, 429, 679, 304, 176, 557 5
2376, 2757, 3007, 2632, 2504, 2885 6
780, 1161, 1411, 1036, 908, 1289 7
6906, 7287, 7537, 7162, 7034, 7415 8
4590, 4971, 5221, 4846, 4718, 5099 9
5286, 4911, 5161, 4786, 4658, 5039 10
2364, 2745, 2995, 2620, 2492, 2873 11
pilot 12
4788, 5169, 4663, 5044, 4916, 4541 13
4194, 3819, 4069, 4450, 4322, 3947 1 691
pilot 1 692
7782, 8163, 7657, 8038, 7910, 8291 1 693
6624, 6249, 6499, 6124, 6752, 6377 1 694
3402, 3027, 3277, 3658, 3530, 3155 1 695
546, 171, 421, 46, 674, 299 1 696
8574, 8955, 8449, 8830, 8702, 8327 1 697
8376, 8757, 9007, 8632, 8504, 8885 1 698
1680, 2061, 1555, 1936, 1808, 2189 1 699
7620, 8001, 8251, 7876, 7748, 8129 1 700
5700, 5325, 5575, 5956, 5828, 5453 1 701
8826, 8451, 8701, 8326, 8954, 8579 1 702
8724, 8349, 8599, 8980, 8852, 8477 1 703
pilot 1 704
45 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
Annex D (informative):
Guidelines to implementation of the emitted signal
The present document serves to define only the emitted signal (which is all that needs to be standardized) and thus does
not consider aspects of implementation. In particular, no mention is made of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) which is
the expected means of generating and demodulating an OFDM signal. This informative annex explains how to avoid
certain pitfalls which may be encountered when the FFT is used.
D.1 Use of the FFT
The emitted signal is unambiguously specified, for every OFDM symbol of every transmission frame, by the equations
of subclause 4.4. The apparent complexity of these equations can be simplified if it is noted that the waveform emitted
during each transmitted symbol period depends solely on the K complex values cm,l,k which define the complex
amplitude of the K active carriers for that period. Each symbol can thus be considered in isolation; for example, the
signal for the period from t = 0 to t = TS is given by:
( ) ( )
( )
s t e c e
k k K K
j f t
j k t T
k K
= C å U
ìí ï
üý ï
¢= - +
¢ -
Re , , ,
max min
max 2
0 0
p p D
There is a clear resemblance between this and the inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) (see note 1):
n Xqe
j nq N

1 2
NOTE 1: This is the definition of the inverse DFT in common use in the Engineering Sciences.
The corresponding forward DFT has –j in the exponent.
Mathematicians, however, sometimes use the opposite notation, so that their forward transform has -j, and
their inverse transform has +j, in the exponent.
Symbols used in this formula follow common nomenclature in engineering and mathematics.
They do not represent the symbols used elsewhere in the present document.
Since various efficient Fast Fourier Transform algorithms exist to perform the DFT and its inverse, it is a convenient
form of implementation to use the inverse FFT (IFFT) in a DVB-T modulator (see note 2) to generate N samples xn
corresponding to the useful part, TU long, of each symbol. The guard interval is added by taking copies of the last
ND TU of these samples and appending them in front. This process is then repeated for each symbol in turn, producing
a continuous stream of samples which constitute a complex baseband representation of the DVB-T signal.
A subsequent up-conversion process then gives the real signal s(t) centred on the frequency fC .
However, care is needed in mapping the K values cm,l,k to the N IFFT coefficients Xq .
NOTE 2: The forward FFT may similarly be used in a demodulator.
D.2 Choice of "baseband" centre frequency
The basis function for the middle emitted carrier ( k ¢ = 0 ) is constant throughout each symbol,
y ( ) m, l, Kmax + Kmin = 2
46 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
This carrier is therefore emitted at the centre frequency fC and has no phase discontinuities when modulated with the
same value in every symbol.
It follows that the data for this middle carrier shall be mapped to an IFFT coefficient Xq of index q such that the
corresponding inverse DFT basis function e j2p nq N has a whole number of cycles within the guard interval, regardless
of which of the possible guard-interval lengths (1/32, 1/16, 1/8 or 1/4 of the "useful" symbol period TU ) may be in use.
The index q chosen for the middle carrier shall therefore be a multiple of 32.
In particular, either of the following alternatives is recommended as they satisfy this requirement while leading to a
simple implementation:
a) assign the middle carrier to the half-way index q = N 2 , i.e. the half-sampling-frequency term; or
b) assign the middle carrier to index q = 0 , i.e. the DC or zero-frequency term.
D.3 Other potential difficulties
The conversion process by which the complex baseband signal produced by the IFFT is translated to a real signal
centred on the desired centre frequency similarly requires care to ensure that the result complies with the specification.
In particular:
a) The spectrum of the emitted signal shall not be inverted compared with the specification,
i.e. the highest-frequency radiated carrier shall convey the modulation cm,l,Kmax
b) The emitted signal shall not have an "inverted imaginary axis" compared with the specification.
This would happen if, in the expression for the emitted signal s(t) , the cm,l,k were replaced by the
complex-conjugate values cm,l,k
Some possible causes of such error are:
c) Incorrect complex-to-real conversion may cause inversion of both the spectrum and the imaginary axis.
d) Using a forward FFT instead of the inverse FFT will cause inversion of the imaginary axis.
e) If the signal is shifted in frequency by some heterodyning process that causes inversion of the spectrum, then
inversion of the imaginary axis will also occur.
If such a process is repeated, the resulting signal will comply with the specification.
If case e) occurs as a natural consequence of the choices of intermediate frequency(ies), it may be compensated for in
the detail of the complex-to-real conversion, or by using a forward FFT to correct for the inversion of the imaginary axis
while feeding it with the coefficients in reverse order to correct for inversion of the spectrum.
47 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
Annex E (normative):
Values for 6 MHz and 7 MHz channels
The system can be scaled to 6 MHz and 7 MHz channels by changing the elementary period to T= 7/48 ms for 6 MHz
channels and T = 1/8 ms for 7 MHz channels. In a practical implementation this corresponds to a change of clock
frequency from 64/7 MHz for 8 MHz channels to 48/7 MHz for 6 MHz channels and 8 MHz for 7 MHz channels.
The frame structure and the rules for coding, mapping and interleaving are kept. The change of elementary period results
in change of the carrier spacing, the symbol length, the guard interval length and the useful bit rate as given in tables E.1
to E6
Table E.1: Numerical values for the OFDM parameters for the 8K and 2K modes for 6 MHz channels
Parameter 8K mode 2K mode
Number of carriers K 6 817 1 705
Value of carrier number Kmin 0 0
Value of carrier number Kmax 6 816 1 704
Duration TU
1194,667 ms 298,6667 ms
Carrier spacing 1/TU
0,837054 kHz 3,348214 kHz
Spacing between carriers Kmin and Kmax, (K-1)/TU
5,71 MHz 5,71 MHz
NOTE: Values in italics are approximate values.
Table E.2: Numerical values for the OFDM parameters for the 8K and 2K modes for 7 MHz channels
Parameter 8K mode 2K mode
Number of carriers K 6 817 1 705
Value of carrier number Kmin 0 0
Value of carrier number Kmax 6 816 1 704
Duration TU
1024 ms 256 ms
Carrier spacing 1/TU
0,976563 kHz 3,90625 kHz
Spacing between carriers Kmin and Kmax, (K-1)/TU
6,66 MHz 6,66 MHz
NOTE: Values in italics are approximate values.
48 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
Table E.3: Duration of symbol part for the allowed guard intervals for 6 MHz channels
Mode 8K mode 2K mode
Guard interval
D / TU
1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32
Duration of symbol
part TU
8192 ´ T
1194,667 ms
2048 ´ T
298,667 ms
Duration of guard
interval D
2 048 ´ T
1 024 ´ T
149,333 ms
512 ´ T
74,667 ms
256 ´ T
37,333 ms
512 ´ T
74,667 ms
256 ´ T
37,333 ms
128 ´ T
18,667 ms
64 ´ T
9,333 ms
Symbol duration
TS = D + TU
10 240 ´ T
1493,3 ms
9 216 ´ T
1344 ms
8 704 ´ T
1269,3 ms
8 448 ´ T
1232 ms
2 560 ´ T
373,3 ms
2 304 ´ T
336 ms
2 176 ´ T
317,3 ms
2 112 ´ T
308 ms
NOTE: Values in italics are approximate values.
Table E.4: Duration of symbol part for the allowed guard intervals for 7 MHz channels
Mode 8K mode 2K mode
Guard interval
D / TU
1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32
Duration of symbol
part TU
8 192 ´ T
1024 ms
2 048 ´ T
256 ms
Duration of guard
interval D
2 048 ´ T
256 ms
1 024 ´ T
128 ms
512 ´ T
64 ms
256 ´ T
32 ms
512 ´ T
64 ms
256 ´ T
32 ms
128 ´ T
16 ms
64 ´ T
8 ms
Symbol duration
TS = D + TU
10 240 ´ T
1280 ms
9 216 ´ T
1152 ms
8 704 ´ T
1088 ms
8 448 ´ T
1056 ms
2 560 ´ T
320 ms
2 304 ´ T
288 ms
2 176 ´ T
272 ms
2 112 ´ T
264 ms
Table E.5: Useful bitrate (Mbit/s) for all combinations of guard interval, constellation and code rate for
non-hierarchical systems for 6 MHz channels
Modulation Code rate Guard interval
1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32
1/2 3,732 4,147 4,391 4,524
2/3 4,976 5,529 5,855 6,032
QPSK 3/4 5,599 6,221 6,587 6,786
5/6 6,221 6,912 7,318 7,540
7/8 6,532 7,257 7,684 7,917
1/2 7,465 8,294 8,782 9,048
2/3 9,953 11,059 11,709 12,064
16-QAM 3/4 11,197 12,441 13,173 13,572
5/6 12,441 13,824 14,637 15,080
7/8 13,063 14,515 15,369 15,834
1/2 11,197 12,441 13,173 13,572
2/3 14,929 16,588 17,564 18,096
64-QAM 3/4 16,796 18,662 19,760 20,358
5/6 18,662 20,735 21,955 22,620
7/8 19,595 21,772 23,053 23,751
NOTE: Figures in italics are approximate values.
For the hierarchical schemes the useful bit rates can be obtained from table 17 as follows:
HP stream: figures from QPSK columns;
LP stream, 16 QAM: figures from QPSK columns;
LP stream, 64 QAM: figures from 16 QAM columns.
49 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
Table E.6: Useful bitrate (Mbit/s) for all combinations of guard interval, constellation and code rate for
non-hierarchical systems for 7 MHz channels
Modulation Code rate Guard interval
1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32
1/2 4,354 4,838 5,123 5,278
2/3 5,806 6,451 6,830 7,037
QPSK 3/4 6,532 7,257 7,684 7,917
5/6 7,257 8,064 8,538 8,797
7/8 7,620 8,467 8,965 9,237
1/2 8,709 9,676 10,246 10,556
2/3 11,612 12,902 13,661 14,075
16-QAM 3/4 13,063 14,515 15,369 15,834
5/6 14,515 16,127 17,076 17,594
7/8 15,240 16,934 17,930 18,473
1/2 13,063 14,515 15,369 15,834
2/3 17,418 19,353 20,491 21,112
64-QAM 3/4 19,595 21,772 23,053 23,751
5/6 21,772 24,191 25,614 26,390
7/8 22,861 25,401 26,895 27,710
NOTE: Figures in italics are approximate values.
For the hierarchical schemes the useful bit rates can be obtained from table 17 as follows:
HP stream: figures from QPSK columns;
LP stream, 16 QAM: figures from QPSK columns;
LP stream, 64 QAM: figures from 16 QAM columns.
50 Draft EN 300 744 V1.2.1 (1999-01)
Document history
Edition 1 March 1997 Publication as ETS 300 744
V1.1.2 August 1997 Publication
V1.2.1 February 1999 One-step Approval Procedur

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